Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Mornings UGGHHH!!

Who here hate MONDAYS?!! Who here hates crawling out of the warm, soft, forever entangled covers that seem to wrap around you for infinity not letting you remove yourself from their embrace. Or better yet that half sleep WALK to RELEASE that fluid from yesterday and HOPEFULLY thats WATER right? Moving forward you pretty much hate everything about MONDAYS, matter fact it's so POWERFUL we start talking about them around that same time every SUNDAY i never END's Lol!

What CAN'T do is CHANGE MONDAY's, GOOD LUCK I tried. Now what you can do is CHANGE your WAY of LOOKING at MONDAYs. How? simple, look at MONDAY's as a NEW START to get that WEEK RIGHT THIS TIME!! GET UP SINGING, DANCING, hell even TAP-DANCE a step or two. Have your Piece of FRUIT, Go for a LIGHT morning jog (Foam Roll First), get that BLOOD circulating, that's OUR LIFE-FORCE so we have to Keep it moving never STAGNATE! I CHALLENGE YOU, to SWITCH UP the way you think about MONDAY's!! CHARGE THAT WEEK WITH A NEW MINDSET AND A CLEAR PATH, LETS GO!!

Stay Strong
Stay Safe
Stay Focus

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